An ECI Conference Series

November 13 – 18, 2022
Santa Fe, NM
Attendance at this conference is restricted to those fully* vaccinated against Covid-19.
Your registration will not be considered complete until your proof of vaccination is uploaded via the registration portal and verified by ECI staff. Acceptable proof includes copies of a U.S. CDC vaccination card or a certificate/document (listing your full name as it appears on your government issued ID) issued by the relevant health agency in your country of residence along with a government issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport. Please do not upload a QR code as proof because ECI does not have a compatible QR code reader due to region difference. If you have questions about these requirements, please email
* Two doses of an FDA or WHO authorized Covid-19 vaccine plus appropriate boosters, received at least 14 days prior to the conference OR one dose of an FDA or WHO authorized single dose Covid-19 vaccine, received at least 14 days prior to the conference.
We are all in this together. Thank you for being part of our community and following these policies. We look forward to see you in person very soon.
Conference Chair
Dr. Ram Darolia, GE Aviation, USA
Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Jon Binner, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Prof. Yutaka Kagawa, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Prof. Dietmar Koch, University of Augsburg, Germany
Prof. Rishi Raj, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Gerard Vignoles, University of Bordeaux, France
Conference Secretaries
Prof. Ken Goto, Japan Aerospace exploration agency (JAXA)
Dr. Satoshi Kitaoka, Japan Fine Ceramics, (JFCC)
Conference Photos

About This Conference
Following the success of the first CMC conference in 2017, we are pleased to announce the next conference in this new series. Fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are important class of materials for high temperature applications. Understanding of past and recent achievements and remaining unsolved issues in the area of CMCs is crucial for further research and development and applications. Since CMCs are complex multi-disciplinary materials, it is critical that a forum such as this conference exists.
The meeting will provide a forum for stimulating information exchange for this cutting edge technology and its scientific achievements. More than fifty technology experts and industry leaders have already agreed to make invited presentations. Additional oral and poster presentations on recent hot topics are planned during the meeting.
The meeting will cover all R&D and application aspects for CMCs: from materials development to applications in gas turbines, nuclear fusion, space/hypersonics, rocket propulsion, brakes and cladding, Non-oxide based and oxide-based CMCs are target materials of the meeting. Advanced ceramic fibers, processing, evaluation, performance analysis, quality control, degradation, and environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) are major areas of the meeting. The meeting will seek to identify current issues and directions for future research and collaborations. Since environmental barrier coatings are essential for higher temperature applications, two sessions will be directed towards their research, development and manufacturability.
Conference Organization
Conference Chair
Dr. Ram Darolia, GE Aviation, USA
Conference Co-Chairs
Prof. Jon Binner, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Prof. Yutaka Kagawa, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Prof. Dietmar Koch, University of Augsburg, Germany
Prof. Rishi Raj, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Gerard Vignoles, University of Bordeaux, France
Shuttle transportation between Albuquerque Airport and Santa Fe
Reservations are required.
Shuttle service from Albuquerque is between 6:30 am and 10:45 pm
Shuttle service from Santa Fe to Albuquerque is between 3:45 am and 8:50 pm
Please make reservations through Groome Transportation (1-505-474-5696).
The cost is approximately $42.00 each way plus taxes.
Note that a Lyft or Uber is approximately $125 – $150 one-way.
Taxi service is approximately $200 – $250 one way. Credit cards are accepted.
Call for Abstracts
The meeting will cover all R&D and application aspects for CMCs: from materials development to applications in gas turbines, nuclear fusion, space/hypersonics, rocket propulsion, brakes and cladding. Advanced ceramic fibers, processing, evaluation, performance analysis, quality control, degradation, and environmental barrier coatings IEBCs) are major areas of the meeting..
Poster sessions are an integral part of the conference. Graduate students and young investigators are particularly encouraged to present posters.
Original papers for presentations at the above listed topics are invited. If you wish to be considered for an oral or poster presentation, please submit a one-page abstract. Note that there are only a limited number of oral presentation slots available.
Abstracts for oral presentation: July 15, 2022
Abstracts for poster presentations Submission: OPEN
Please prepare your abstract according to this template: docx or doc.
Venue Information
Santa Fe, New Mexico: Santa Fe is a world-renowned travel destination with an unparalleled richness of history, heritage, arts and culture. Founded around 1608 it is the oldest state capital in the United States, and sits in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo Mountains. Santa Fe boasts a rich mix of culture, art and history as well as an average of 300 days of sunshine and blue sky per year. The Spanish engrained their culture and heritage upon the landscape and the city has proudly carried on Spanish traditions ever since.
The conference hotel (LaFonda) is the only Santa Fe hotel situated on the historic Santa Fe Plaza. The Plaza was the central place around which Spanish officials built houses and barracks. The Palace of the Governors, constructed soon after the Plaza was established, still stands on the Plaza’s north size, and is the oldest continuously occupied public building in the United States.
As a major tourist destination Santa Fe offers a diverse array of activities. It is particularly known for its museums and art galleries, variety of restaurants, cultural activities and outdoor activities. Among the museums are the Museum of International Folk Art, New Mexico History Museum, Museum of Indian Women in the Arts, Santa Fe Children’s Museum, Palace of the Governors (featuring a long colonnade used by local Pueblo Indians to sell handmade jewelry and wares, and hosts a museum filled with artifacts from Santa Fe’s early history, including weapons and armor from the original conquistadors), and Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian.
Sante Fe is a city of art and artists, featuring more than 200 art galleries within a two-mile radius and multiple world-class museums such as the Georgia O’Keefe Museum, New Mexico Museum of Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts. A stroll down the world-famous Canyon Road, with its restaurants, galleries and workshops, yields the full spectrum of work, from modern to tribal, paintings to sculptures, and everything in between.
Nowhere is Santa Fe’s Spanish influence more visible than the red-hued adobe walls of San Miguel Mission, built between 1610 and 1626. The church, which is the oldest in the United States, has all of the hallmarks of the original Spanish settlement: richly adorned vigas, thick adobe walls and deeply religious iconography, including a wooden statue of St. Michael that dates to 1709. Surrounding the mission is the Barrio De Analeo Historic District, with several homes dating back to the same period.
The city’s tight Colonial layout, centered on The Plaza, is extremely walkable, making attractions accessible to all.
For more information, please visit the official Santa Fe Convention and Visitors web site.
Nearby are additional attractions of interest, including:
- The Bandelier National Monument provides the opportunity to see cliff dwellings, petroglyphs, and other Native American artifacts and structures.
- The town of Los Alamos is home of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Bradbury Science Museum which is operated by Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- NY Times (January 15, 2017) “Beyond Santa Fe, A Different World“
- LaFonda on the Plaza: LaFonda on the Plaza holds a coveted place in Santa Fe history, a component in a rich tapestry of hospitality that predates American independence. City records indicate that La Fonda sits on the site of the town’s first inn, established when the city was founded by Spaniads in 1607, making the property the oldest hotel corner in America. LaFonda’s history can be traced back 400 years. In 1821, Captain William Becknell and his party found their way to the LaFonda during the maiden commercial route across the plains from Missouri, establishing the Santa Fe Trail as well as La Fonda’s reputation for hospitality. Throughout the 19th century, La Fonda quickly became the preferred lodging option among trappers, soldiers, gold seekers, gamblers and politicians.
- Meow Wolf: Unique immersive art experience in Santa Fe.
Vibrant décor and authentic New Mexican architecture intermingle with amenities such as Wi-Fi, concierge services, free water, a complimentary business center and more. There is car rental on site, a fitness center with steam rooms, an all-season heated outdoor pool and hot tub, Keurig coffee makers in the rooms, robes and USB ports. The hotel boasts original artwork and hand-crafted furniture and there are several restaurants on site..
The wholly owned art collection of La Fonda on the Plaza began at the hotel’s inception, and has grown considerably over the years. Paintings by the best Pueblo artists were acquired in the early years. Original art work hangs in every guest room. The book, In Every Room: A Story of the Art, highlights the artists and artwork in the hotel.
Hotel Address: 100 E. San Francisco St., Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Hotel Telephone: 800-523-5002; 505-982-5511 FAX: 505-988-2952

General Information About ECI
Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a not-for-profit, global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962 that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.
The format of the conference provides morning and late afternoon or evening sessions in which major presentations are made. Poster sessions will be scheduled for evening discussion as well. Available time is included during the afternoons for ad hoc meetings, informal discussions, and/or recreation. This format is designed to enhance rapport among participants and promote dialogue on the development of the meeting. We believe the conferences have been instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.
All participants are expected both to attend the entire conference and to contribute actively to the discussions. The recording/photographing of lectures and presentations is forbidden. As ECI conferences take place in an informal atmosphere, casual clothing is the usual attire.
Smoking is prohibited at ECI conferences and conference functions.