Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics: Materials For Extreme Environment Applications III

An ECI Conference Series

April 12-17, 2015
Surfer’s Paradise

Gold Coast, Australia

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Call For Abstracts!

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About This Conference


Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics are a family of compounds that display a unique set of properties, including extremely high melting temperatures (>3000°C), high hardness, and good chemical stability and strength at high temperatures. Structural materials for use in high temperature oxidizing environments are presently limited mostly to SiC, Si3N4, oxide ceramics, and composites of these materials. The maximum use temperature of silicon-based ceramics is limited to »1600°C due to the onset of active oxidation (lower temperatures in water vapor environments) while oxides have exhibited high creep rates at higher temperatures. The development of structural materials for use in oxidizing and rapid heating environments at temperatures above 1600°C is therefore of great engineering importance.

UHTC materials are typically considered to be the carbides, nitrides, and borides of the transition metals, but the Group IV compounds (Ti, Zr, Hf) plus TaC are generally considered to be the main focus of research due to the superior melting temperatures and stable high-melting temperature oxide that forms in situ.

The combination of properties make these materials potential candidates for a variety of high-temperature structural applications, including engines, hypersonic vehicles, plasma arc electrodes, advanced nuclear fuels, fusion first walls and diverters, cutting tools, furnace elements, and high temperature shielding.


The purpose of this third meeting in the series is to bring together disparate researchers from academia, government, and industry in a singular forum that allows the bench researchers to interact with designers and engineers to discuss state-of-the-art research and development efforts, what the results mean in a broader context, and how to move the technology forward toward near-term and longer term use.

Similar to the first and second ECI conference, the vision is to have 4 main topic areas:

  • Processing,
  • Environmental Response (thermodynamic considerations, oxidation behavior, eutectic formation),
  • Characterization (thermomechanical properties, subscale testing), and
  • Applications (hypersonics and propulsion).

As with the two previous conferences, the bulk of the work is likely to be presented will be focused on the processing and oxidation studies, as these materials are the subject of numerous fundamental research studies, but enough work is ongoing to include the testing and design communities, as well as bring in the “bigger picture” systems-level engineers and managers to introduce them to the capabilities of the materials and share with the researchers the needs of the programs can be relayed to the R&D community

Conference Organization

Prof. George Franks (gvfranks@unimelb.edu.au) Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Carolina Tallon, (tallon@unimelb.edu.au) Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Scientific Committee:

Prof. Bill Fahrenholtz,Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla, US
Dr. Eric Wuchina,Naval Surface Warfare Center, W. Bethesda, MD, US
Prof. Jon Binner,University of Birmingham, UK
Dr. Laura Silvestroni,Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics ISTEC,Italy
Prof. Yanchun Zhou,Aerospace Research Institute of Materials and Processing Technology, China
Dr. Sylvia Johnson,NASA-Ames Research Center

Call For Abstracts

Abstract submission

One-page abstracts that include specific results and conclusions to allow a scientific assessment of a proposed oral presentation or poster are invited.

Oral and poster abstract deadline:           December 20, 2015

Abstracts should be submitted electronically at https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/uhtc

The abstract template available at the above link must be followed for an abstract to be considered for presentation.


Outrigger Surfers Paradise  
22 View Avenue
Surfers Paradise, QLD 4217

Outrigger Surfers Paradise is located in the heart of exciting Surfers Paradise on Queensland’s famous Gold Coast. Spacious guest rooms with high-speed internet and private balcony offer sweeping views of the Pacific Ocean and stunning Gold Coast skyline.  On-site recreation includes an outdoor swimming pool, children’s pool, and tennis courts.

Outrigger Surfers Paradise is located 20 km north of the Gold Coast (Coolangatta) International Airport (OOL) and 90 km south of Brisbane International Airport (BNE), about a 60-minute drive.

Travel Information

Driving Directions

Gold Coast (Coolangatta) International Airport to Outrigger Surfers Paradise:

 Take the Gold Coast Highway north from the airport heading toward Surfers Paradise.
 Turn right onto Surfers Paradise Boulevard.
 Turn right onto View Avenue.
 Arrive at the hotel on the right.

Brisbane International Airport to Outrigger Surfers Paradise:

 Heading south, turn right toward Nancy Bird Way.
 At the roundabout, take the second exit onto Nancy Bird Way.
 At the next roundabout, take the first exit onto the Moreton Drive ramp and merge onto Moreton Drive.
 Take the ramp to M1.
 Keep left at the fork and merge onto M1.
 Take exit 66 to merge onto Smith Street Motorway/State Route 10 toward Southport.
 Turn right onto Gold Coast Highway.
 Turn left onto Cypress Avenue.
 Turn right onto Surfers Paradise Boulevard.
 Turn left onto View Avenue.
 Arrive at the hotel on the right.

Guest parking:  Guest parking is 8 AUD (self) and 15 AUD (valet).  Upon arrival, please temporarily park your vehicle in the hotel driveway where your luggage can easily be transferred to reception.  A voucher will be issued to you for parking at the Piazza car park located next to the hotel.  This car park has a height restriction of 1.9 m (6 ft 2 in) for ALL vehicles.  If your vehicle exceeds this limit, street parking is available, as well as public parking opposite the Outrigger Surfers Paradise entrance for an hourly fee. 

Please forward this link to colleagues who may be interested in the conference topic.

General Information

Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962, that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

The format of the weeklong research conference provides morning and late afternoon or evening sessions in which major presentations are made. Available time is included during the afternoons for ad hoc meetings, informal discussions, and/or recreation. This format is designed to enhance rapport among participants and promote dialogue on the development of the meeting. We believe that the conferences have been instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.

All participants are expected both to attend the entire conference and to contribute actively to the discussions. The recording of lectures and presentations is forbidden. As ECI conferences take place in an informal atmosphere, casual clothing is the usual attire.

The Engineering Conferences International conferences calendar and other information can be found on the ECI web site: www.engconfintl.org

Engineering Conferences International
32 Broadway, Suite 314, New York, NY 10004
T: 1-7212-514-6760 – F: 1-212-514-6030
info@engconfintl.org – www.engconfintl.org

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