An ECI Webinar

April 16, 2021

10:00 – 12:45 (New York); 15:00 – 17:45 (London); 16:00 – 18:45 (Paris)

Webinar Presentations Available Here

Webinar Chair

Samiul Amin

Samiul Amin
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Manhattan College, USA

Webinar Speakers

Paul Jenkins, FRSC, CChem
Research Director, Material Science, Unilever, UK

Title: Automation and in silico approaches applied to the launch of new ingredients for beauty & personal care products

Peter Koenig

Peter Koenig
Modeling and Simulation, Procter and Gamble Beauty Business Unit, USA

Title: Modeling and data analytics in the formulation of surfactant formulations

Jean-Louis MATTEI

Jean-Louis MATTEI
Process Expert, International Department of Formulation Processes , L’Oréal R&I, France

Title: FORMAX and FLEXFORMAX: The ultimate way to integrate the process benefits into formula innovation

Raphael Stargrove

Raphael Stargrove
VP of product strategy, Citrine Informatics, USA

Title: Leveraging AI to Unlock Smarter Decisions in Formulations R&D

Abdou Kane

Abdou Kane
Chief AI Officer of InFLOWS, France

Title: AI for Cosmetic formulation: Towards predictive analytics

Scott Healy

Scott Healey
VP Business Development and Partnerships, Kebotix, USA

Title:  AI Powered Formulation Optimization

Webinar Program

10:00 – 10:10: Introduction – Samiul Amin, Manhattan College

10:10 – 10:30:   Paul Jenkins, Unilever Automation and in silico approaches applied to the launch of new ingredients for beauty & personal care products

10:30 – 10:50:   Peter Koenig, Proctor & Gamble Modeling and data analytics in the formulation of surfactant formulations

10:50 – 11:10: Jean-Louis MATTEI, L’Oréal FORMAX and FLEXFORMAX: The ultimate way to integrate the process benefits into formula innovation

11:10 – 11:30: Q&A, Panel Discussion

11:30 – 11:45: Raphael Stargrove, Citrine Informatics Leveraging AI to unlock smarter decisions in formulations R&D

11:45 – 12:00: Abdou Kane, inFlows AI for cosmetic formulation: Towards predictive analytics

12:00 – 12:15: Scott Healey, Kebotix – AI powered formulation optimization

12:15 – 12:45: Q&A, Panel Discussion

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