- The session room is equipped with a data projector (computer projector) and a laptop as well as a lavaliere microphone, table microphone and aisle microphone(s).
- Please be certain to give your session chair a brief biographic introduction.
- When preparing your presentation, please use standard fonts (e.g., Times, New Roman, Arial, Verdana, and Tahoma). Only those fonts provided in the basic installation of Windows are included on the computer in the session room. Unusual fonts may not translate. If you are using a font that is not standard, it should be embedded into your PowerPoint presentation. Microsoft provides a utility to determine if a font can be embedded.
- It cannot be emphasized enough that font size is important in your presentation. You put text on the screen so people can read it – make sure that they can, even from the back of the room. Your audience will thank you for making several slides of text that they can read rather than one slide that is so crammed with text that it is difficult to read.
- The main point should catch the attention of the audience immediately. When trying to figure out the image, audience members aren’t paying full attention to the speaker. Excess information can confuse the audience.
- Ideas developed in the paper and supported by the images should flow smoothly in a logical sequence, without wandering to irrelevant asides or bogging down in detail. Everything presented verbally or visually should have a clear role supporting the paper’s central thesis.
- Consider color blind people (1 in 20 males is color blind) – try not to use red and green next to each other. Do use blue, yellow, white and black if you use colors to distinguish items. Do have a strong, bright contrast between foreground and background colors.
- If you are using a Mac, arrive early enough prior to the session to make certain that your presentation is functional before the session begins.
- Include any external files utilized, e.g., movie files, in the same folder as your presentation. Copy the entire folder to the USB flash drive or CD ROM.
- You do not need to bring your own laptop to the meeting room.
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