ECI Conferences Committee


Nicholas Clesceri, Chair Beth Junker, Vice Chair 

Samiul Amin, Hamid Arastoopour, Franco Berruti, Joye Bramble, Nicholas Clesceri, Ram Darolia, Julian Fairey, Gary Gladysz, Albert Gray, Linn Hobbs, Beth Junker, Larry Kabacoff, Nghi Lam, Ronald Latanision, William Sachs, Subhas Sidkar 

Affiliate Members

John Aunins, Herman Bieber, Bikramjit Basu, Michael Betenbaugh, Paul Bishop, Aldo R. Boccaccini, Arindam Bose, Manuel Carrondo, Kartik Chandran, Jamal Chaouki, Ray Cocco, Dion Dionysiou, Jon Dordick, Anthony Dufour, Mike Dudukovic, Phil Eisner, Richard Field, Ramesh Goel, Claudia Gunsch, Alan Hatton, Stefan Heinrich, Dale Keairns, Herbert Klapperich, James Klausner, Norman Li, Devinder Mahajan, Manfred Martin, Robert Mauck, Daniel Metlay, Dean Miller, Jamshid Mohammadi, Neville Moody, Jeff Moore, Barclay Morrison, Raffaella Ocone, B.K. Parekh, Michael Shur, Som Somasundaran, Anthony Tafuri, Omer Van der Biest, Arie van Riessen, A.K. Vasudevan, Brian Wilson, Charley Wu 

Consulting Members

Christina Chan, Matt Lazzara 

Barbara K. Hickernell, ex officio

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