Beneficiation of Phosphates X

Hanoi, Vietnam

November 27, 2025
Hanoi, Vietnam

About This Conference

Phosphate mining is one of the world’s largest mining industries in terms of value of production and annual tonnage. However, papers on phosphate mining and mineral processing are usually rare at most of the major mining as well as mineral processing conferences, both locally and internationally.  Beneficiation of Phosphates has been established as the only conference of international significance focusing on phosphate mineral processing.

Phosphate ore is not only the source of an essential nutrient (P) for plant growth, but it also contains substantial amounts of elements critical to developing green energy for the future. A new era may well be ahead of the phosphate industry, when rare earth elements for EVs and other green energy technologies become as important as fertilizers. Uranium in phosphate deposits account for 88% of the unconventional U resources, while rare earth elements (REEs) in phosphate deposits represent hundreds of years of current world demand for these vital elements.  In recent years, the U.S. Department of Energy and funding agencies worldwide have provided large amounts of funding on recovery of REE from unconventional resources including phosphate. Beneficiation of Phosphates X will devote at least two sessions to comprehensive recovery of P and other values from phosphate ore, such as U, REEs, F, Mg, Th, and I.

Phosphate mining and processing generate two major waste streams, waste clay and phosphogypsum (PG), in huge quantity.  These wastes are becoming significant financial and environmental liabilities for the industry and present a public perception problem as well. Championed by the International Fertilizer Association and the Aleff Group, the phosphate community, regulatory agencies and industrial companies are coming together speeding up technology development and commercialization for various uses of PG, and are making a huge impact. Naturally, utilization and treatment of these wastes will be one of the focuses of this conference, with two sessions tentatively scheduled, one on waste reduction and another on waste utilization.  Other important issues to be discussed include flotation efficiency, flotation reagents, dolomite separation techniques, reduction of silica content, on-line analysis and process control, novel processing techniques and machinery, and hydrometallurgical processes.

In summary, Beneficiation of Phosphates X will cover the following topics:

  • Flotation fundamentals and development of new reagents
  • Physical and bio separation techniques
  • Beneficiation of carbonaceous phosphates
  • Separation of silica and silicates from phosphate
  • Processing of low-grade phosphates
  • Analysis and process control
  • Equipment and process development
  • Advances in phosphoric acid manufacturing
  • Phosphoric acid purification and uses
  • Comprehensive recovery of critical and useful elements from phosphate
  • Phosphogypsum purification and utilization
  • Sustainable development and the environment.

Conference Organization


Patrick Zhang
Florida Industrial Phosphate Research Institute, USA


Phong Vo
Ardaman & Associates Inc, USA

Erika Rova
Yara Suomi Oy, Finland

André Carlos Silva
Federal University of Catalão, Brazil

Ewan Wingate
Bechtel Australia, Australia

Ruan Chi
Wuhan Institute of Technology/Hubei Sanxia Laboratory, China

Trong Dang
Vu, Global R&D Mining, SNF, Canada

Conference Organizers

Engineering Conference International
FIPR Institute, Florida Polytechnic University
Hubei Three Gorges Laboratory
Wuhan Institute of Technology

Organizing Committee

Andrew James
Phosphate Australia Limited

Ashma Singh
South Africa 

Charles Guan

Brij Moudgil
University of Florida

Chuncheng Wei
China Bluestar Lehigh Eng. Corp.

Elves Matiolo
Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, Brazil

Farrukh Samadov
Kizilkum fosforit kompleksi, Uzbekistan

Gabriela Budemberg

Guoxin Wang 

Guven Akdogan
Stellenbosch University 
South Africa

Haijun Liang
FIPR Institute, Florida Poly

Hamid Mazouz
OCP Group

Hans Huckstedt
LL Namibia Phosphates
South Africa

Henrik Nordberg
Nouryon Surface Chemistry, Sweden

Jaisen Kohmuench
Eriez Magnetics

Jorgen Stenvold
Yara International ASA

Margreth Tadie
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Mohamed Ali
Arab Fertilizer Association

Mohamed Belghiti Alaoui
Ma’aden Phosphate Company
Saudi Arabia

Pavel Milenky
ICL Israel

Pieter Jacobs
South Africa

Salah Al-Thyabat 
Al-Hussein BinTalal Univ. 

Sébastien Havelange
Prayon Technologies

Todd Parker

Tariq Alfariss
King Saudi University
Saudi Arabia

Xiang Yang
China Univ. Geosciences
Wuhan, China

Yoav Zuk

Zeqiang Zhang
Wuhan Institute of Technology

Abstract Submission

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Abstracts (one page maximum) that include specific results and conclusions to allow a scientific assessment of the proposed oral presentation are invited.

Please prepare your abstract according to this template: docx or doc.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically using the template provided at THIS LINK.

Oral abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2025

Abstracts of all presentations will be made available to conference participants prior to the start of the conference.

Conference Proceedings

The Organizing Committee hopes to have the conference proceedings published early and distributed to conference participants upon their arrival. Due to the low number of full papers received from Beneficiation of Phosphates IX, we have decided to have them combined with full papers submitted to Conference X and published in one volume. The hardcover proceedings will still be published by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration.

Previous Conferences in this Series

Beneficiation of Phosphates: Theory and Practice

December 5-10, 1993
Palm Coast, Florida

Conference Chairs:
Ronald Wiegel , IMCF
Hassan El-Shall, Florida Institute Phosphate Research, USA
Brij Moudgil, University of Florida, USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates II

December 6 – 11, 1998 
Palm Coast, Florida

Conference Chairs:
Patrick Zhang, Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
Ronald Wiegel , University of Minnesota, USA
Hassan El-Shall, Florida Institute Phosphate Research, USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates III

December 2-7, 2001
St. Petersburg, Florida

Conference Chairs: 
Patrick Zhang Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
P. Somasundaran, Columbia University, USA 
Hassan El-Shall, Florida Institute Phosphate Research, USA
R. Stana, R. Squared S., Inc., USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates IV

December 5-10, 2004
Miami Beach, Florida

Conference Chairs: 
Patrick Zhang Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
Hassan El-Shall, Florida Institute Phosphate Research, USA
Jan Miller, University of Utah
R. Stana, R. Squared S., Inc., USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates V

February 17-22, 2008
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Conference Chairs: 
Patrick Zhang Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
Hassan El-Shall, Florida Institute Phosphate Research, USA
Laurindo Leal Filho, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Karen Swager, Mosaic Fertilizer LLC, USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates VI

March 6-11, 2011
Kunming, China

Conference Chair: 
Patrick Zhang Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA

Beneficiation of Phosphates VII

March 29-April 3, 2015
Melbourne, Australia

Conference Chairs: 
Patrick Zhang, Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
Jan Miller, University of Utah, USA
Julian Hilton, Aleff Group, United Kingdom
Laurindo Leal Filho, University of Sao Paulo/Vale, Brazil
Abdelaâli Kossir,OCP Group, Morocco
Ewan Wingate, WorleyParsons Services Pty Ltd, Australia 

Beneficiation of Phosphates VIII

April 29 – May 4, 2018
Cape Town, South Africa

Conference Chairs: 
Patrick Zhang, Florida Institute of Phosphate Research, USA
Jan Miller, University of Utah, USA
Laurindo Leal Filho, University of Sao Paulo/Vale, Brazil
Ewan Wingate, WorleyParsons, Australia
Neil Snyders, Stellenbosch Univ., South Africa
Professor Guven Akdogan, Stellenbosch Univ., South Africa

Beneficiation of Phosphates IX

June 5-10, 2022
Helsinki, Finland

Conference Chairs:
Patrick Zhang, Chair, Florida Industrial and Phosphate Research Institute, Florida Poly, USA
Erika Rova, Co-Chair, Yara, Finland
Jan Miller, Co-Chair, University of Utah, USA
Marius Porteus, Co-Chair, Fosko, South Africa 
Laurindo Leal Filho, Co-Chair, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Ewan Wingate, Co-Chair, Bechtel Australia Pty Ltd  
Andre Carlos Silva, Co-Chair, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Brazil 

General Information About ECI

Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a not-for-profit, global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962 that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

The format of the conference provides morning and late afternoon or evening sessions in which major presentations are made. Poster sessions will be scheduled for evening discussion as well. Available time is included during the afternoons for ad hoc meetings, informal discussions, and/or recreation. This format is designed to enhance rapport among participants and promote dialogue on the development of the meeting. We believe the conferences have been instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.

All participants are expected both to attend the entire conference and to contribute actively to the discussions. The recording/photographing of lectures and presentations is forbidden. As ECI conferences take place in an informal atmosphere, casual clothing is the usual attire.

Smoking is prohibited at ECI conferences and conference functions.

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