Biorefinery I: Chemicals and Materials From Thermo-Chemical Biomass Conversion and Related Processes

A New ECI Conference Series

September 27-October 2, 2015
Atlantica Caldera Crete Paradise Hotel

Chania (Crete), Greece

Call for Abstracts!             

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About This Conference


Biorefinery I will provide an international forum for presentation of commercial and emerging technologies and scientific advancements in the area of chemicals and materials production from renewable resources. The speakers and attendees will come from academia, industry or other research organizations (e.g., institutional and government).

The conference will profit from the exceptionally high profile and international network of the chairs and members of the international and local organizing committee. Moreover, the proximity of the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Crete will provide an excellent environment and support with the involvement of several key Greek and, more generally, European actors of the Biorefinery field.

There will be no parallel sessions in order to allow all participants to be exposed and contribute to all presentations. The format will be as follows: Morning session (Session 1), Lunch, Free Afternoon Break, Late Afternoon Session (Session 2), Dinner, Poster Session and Social Hour (Session 3)

Sub-topics will be defined as Abstracts come in. The proposed list gives guidance to our session chairs in identifying interesting and relevant invited speakers.

Focus areas

  • Light oxygenates
  • Phenols & Aromatics
  • Adhesives & Lubricants
  • Feed / Food & Additives
  • Specialty Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Fibrous Products
  • Charcoal
  • Commodity Chemicals
  • Plastics and Synthetic Fuels

Please forward the following link to colleagues who may be interested in the conference topic.  Biorefinery I

Conference Organization

Co- Chairs:

Nicolas Abatzoglou, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Sasha Kersten, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Dietrich Meier, Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Germany

Head of Local Organizing Committee:  Nicolas Kalogerakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Scientific Committee:

To be announced.

Abstract Submission

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for the oral and poster sessions.  The poster sessions will form an integral part of the meeting.

One-page abstracts that include specific results and conclusions to allow a scientific assessment of proposed presentation are invited. Abstracts should be submitted electronically at This Link.

The time schedule for submission and acceptance of abstracts for presentations is:
January 31, 2015: Abstract deadline for oral and poster presentations
March 1, 2015: Notification to authors
July 31, 2015: Deadline for submission of poster-only contributions

The abstract template available at the above link must be followed for an abstract to be considered for presentation.

There will be overall poster awards as well as special poster awards for presentations by graduate students.

The final program book will contain abstracts of all presentations and will be distributed to conference participants.

Submission of Papers

Only contributions containing unpublished, original and significant information will be considered for the conference.  Additionally, significant and comprehensive presentations within the scope of Biorefinery I are sought and invited as plenary lectures.  The presentations will be published in a Special Issue of the ECI Symposium Series and authors will be invited to submit manuscripts for peer review and possible publication in a special issue of a refereed journal.

Conference Venue

Chania, Crete–More information to follow.

Travel Information

To follow.

Fees and Registration

Coming soon!

General Information

Engineering Conferences International

Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a not-for-profit, global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962 that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

The format of the conference provides morning and late afternoon or evening sessions in which major presentations are made. Poster sessions will be scheduled for evening discussion as well. Available time is included during the afternoons for ad hoc meetings, informal discussions, and/or recreation. This format is designed to enhance rapport among participants and promote dialogue on the development of the meeting. We believe the conferences have been instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.

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