
Engineering Conferences International
The objectives of the Engineering Conferences International are to advance engineering science and practice by identifying and developing international interdisciplinary conferences.

The specific objectives and purposes of this program shall be to:

  • Identify and sponsor professional international engineering conferences in specialty or multidisciplinary technology areas that will benefit from a level of discourse not possible in larger forums.
  • Organize conferences that provide an opportunity for engineering professionals and related physical, biological, and social scientists from academic, industrial, and governmental sectors to gather and discuss areas of technological importance.
  • Cooperate with professional engineering, scientific, and social science societies to jointly sponsor conferences and to take other joint actions that will foster complementary programming.
  • Initiate conferences that will have a significant impact on engineering education, research, practice, and/or development, and that will influence national and international technology policy.

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CONFERENCES COMMITTEE:  Members and Affiliates

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