Transition of Energy Systems Toward Sustainability

An ECI Conference

Postponed TBD

About This Conference

Recent concerns about global warming and other environmental issues challenge scientists and engineers towards development of cleaner as well as low-carbon and hence, sustainable technologies. Sustainability of energy sector is a critical challenge at present. With an ever-increasing population and their living standards (annual world population growth rate is about 1.07%), energy demand is increasing at a phenomenal rate (about 2.3% per year). The rapid growth of industrialization and associated development over the last two centuries were mostly through utilization of fossil fuels. Technologies of conversion and utilization of fossil fuels, of capacities from very small to very large, have been developed and matured during this period. Large investment and business models are already established for these applications in industry. Overuse of fossil fuel resulted in many unwanted features in the ecosystem; unsustainable utilization and concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the front-runners. Undesirable effects on climate change, local and global pollutions, access to energy at affordable prices, improved energy security, greater energy independence, and overall sustainable development are a dominant driving force behind the present energy systems to change rapidly. 

The future energy system is shaping up on the basis of three important factors: 

1.     Improvements in energy efficiency;
2.     The growth of renewables, and 
3.     The applications of data analytics. 

The future energy sector demands innovations, suitable for both global applications as well as specific localized usefulness. The transition of the present energy system towards a lean, clean, green, smart, accessible, secure, and sustainable energy system of the future. It is of utmost importance to plan for this transition. This conference proposes to organize a confluence of focused researchers and industry leaders to debate about the transition of the energy systems including technology development and policy push to achieve sustainability in a holistic way.

The transition of energy systems will take years to mature to a point when more than half the total energy will be delivered by non-fossil delivery systems, either in power or in transportation sector.  Continual development in all form of non-fossil energy systems will occur, which is why this conference is being offered as the first of a series.  The subsequent ones will be organized at two-years’ interval. 

The following themes are proposed for the five technical sessions.

(1) Renewable energy systems towards better sustainability

Future energy systems are expected to be dominated with renewable energy sources. However, abrupt replacement of fossil fuel-based energy systems may not be possible due to several technological, economical, and socio-political reasons. Thus, renewable energy technologies must be selected with priority during transition for a better sustainability.

(2) Transition of conventional energy systems

Though complete replacement of fossil fuel-based systems is the ultimate destination, this transition is possible only over a long period. Development of alternative technologies with low carbon footprints for better sustainability will depend on reserves of fossil fuels and regional economics.

(3) Energy system optimization

Optimization of existing energy system is extremely critical to reduce energy demand without sacrificing energy services. Optimized energy systems, both for design and for operation, are expected to contribute significantly during transition. 

(4) Industrial views on energy transition

Overall sustainability can only be achieved through practical implementation of developed technologies on a commercial basis involving industries. Industry preparedness with suitable business model is required for a better sustainability during transition.

(5) Policy recommendations for future energy transition

With possible multiple options, adoption of right policy for a sustainable path during energy transition both at local and global scale is very critical.

Conference Organization

Conference Chair: 

Prof. Santanu Bandyopadhyay
Department of Energy Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India


Prof. Sudipta De
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jadavpur University, India

Prof. Mohsen Assadi
Department of Energy and Petroleum Engineering 
University of Stavanger, Norway

Organizing Committee 

Dr. Subhas Sikdar, Retired from EPA
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Prof. Raymond Tan 
Chemical Engineering Department 
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

Prof. Tushar Sen
Department of Chemical Engineering
Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Call for Abstracts

Coming soon

Venue Information


General Information about ECI

Engineering Conferences International (ECI) is a not-for-profit, global engineering conferences program, originally established in 1962 that provides opportunities for the exploration of problems and issues of concern to engineers and scientists from many disciplines.

The format of the conference provides morning and late afternoon or evening sessions in which major presentations are made. Poster sessions will be scheduled for evening discussion as well. Available time is included during the afternoons for ad hoc meetings, informal discussions, and/or recreation. This format is designed to enhance rapport among participants and promote dialogue on the development of the meeting. We believe the conferences have been instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.

All participants are expected both to attend the entire conference and to contribute actively to the discussions. The recording/photographing of lectures and presentations is forbidden. As ECI conferences take place in an informal atmosphere, casual clothing is the usual attire.

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